Small-Scale 20th Century Design: The Singer Sewing Machine
A different kind of 20th Century engineering! Exploring the Singer sewing machine.

Check It Out: Continuing the PPG Library Project
Our holdings include a diverse array of print publications, newsletters, magazines, and Packard-original documents that we plan to preserve and protect for the long term.

Packard Rosies on the Homefront
On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland, leading France and Great Britain to declare war against Germany. Thus began WWII.
America was hesitant to get involved after suffering many losses during the Great War, enduring the Spanish Flu, and still struggling through the Great Depression.

Work to Win; Honoring Our Packard Rosies
President Franklin D. Roosevelt established a War Production Board (WPB) in January 1942, just a month after the attack on Pearl Harbor. The newly developed board allocated resources, implemented price controls, and set production quotas to encourage workers to produce more goods during the war. Packard and its employees took it to heart as their duty to do all they could to help their soldiers fighting overseas.